Quilled ClockThis was a fun project I made for my Mother's Birthday.

Supplies Required:
- Wood Plate (9" - 10")
- ClockWorks Kit
- White Satin Enamel Paint
- Fleck Stone Spray Finish - Alabaster
- Quilling Paper in 1/8", 1/4", 3/8" widths - various colors
- Glue
- Power Drill
- Quilling Tool
Start with a 9" - 10" wood plate. Drill a hole in the center just large enough for the post of the Clock Works Kit to fit through.
both sides of the wood plate with 1 coat of white satin enamel
paint. After drying for 1 hour (or until dry to touch) spray the
plate with 2 coats of Alabaster FleckStone Finish allowing 1 hour
drying time between coats (or until dry to touch).
After completely
dry install the clock works according to directions on package. The
clockworks kit I used included stickers for all 12 hours but I only
used 4 (12, 3, 6, 9)and used 6" graperolls for the remainder hours
Quilling Directions
- Leaves: (make approx 30)
- 5 - 4" marquises from 1/8" paper
Glue 2 marquises together at points forming a "V"
Glue 2 more marquises together at points into the first "V"
Glue remaining marquise into 2nd "V"
- 5 - 4" marquises from 1/8" paper
Not Actual Size
- Eccentric Flowers: (make 2)
- 1 - 6"fringed flower from 3/8" paper
6 - 6" eccentric teardrops
Glue eccentric teardrops around fringed flower
- 1 - 6"fringed flower from 3/8" paper
- Fringed Flowers: (make approx 50)
- Make various sizes (1", 2", 3", 4", and 6") of fringed flowers from 1/4" & 3/8" paper
- Large Ring Coil Flowers (make 6)
- 1 - 4" graperoll from 1/8" paper for center
- 7 - 18" ring coils from 1/8" paper - pressed to rounded points at opposite ends (you can roll coils around handle of your quilling tool to ensure they are all the same size)
Glue ring coils around graperoll